Saturday, November 17, 2007

Huckleberry Finn


Huckleberry Finn is a controversial novel- no doubt. We talked about the controversy and everyone seemed okay. This book is important and key in American literature but not worth offending any of my students. So we will tread lightly and work hard to create a supportive environment in which students can discuss prejudices without offending or insulting others. I've asked each student to speak with me if something upsets them either immediately or privately.

I think the overall themes and lessons learned in this novel by Huck Finn are well worth reading. If you want to know more I suggest clicking on the title of this entry which is a link. Wikipedia has a fairly decent summary of the book and does a good job discussing the themes. Look at the section titled 'conclusion' this will give you a good idea of why I am so excited to teach this book to my classes.

Please comment or ask questions. And feel free to read the novel with your student- it is an old story so is public domain and thus on the internet to read for free. I searched 'Huck Finn complete text' and found several sites with the story- below is one such site.

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