Second Qtr Novel Test & Report
Due Dates:
2nd Quarter
Oct 1 – 5 select 2nd Qtr novel
Nov. 2 finished reading novel
Nov. 5 Novel Test
Nov. 13, 14 & 15, 16 Book report Due
Alternative Book Report
Select one of the options below. You must choose a different choice for each book. Complete the assignment by the due date above. I have many other possibilities- tell me about an idea or see me for an alternate. This project should be fun!
1) Scrapbooking: You’re a character in the novel create a scrapbook that he/she would have made (variation memory box). Include 10 items or 5 pages. Decorate throughout and neatness counts. Originality is required do not only use novel for ideas.
2) You’re a professional critique the interactions in the novel from the point of view of an organization that might have something to say about it. EX: bank lender, church, Humane Society, IRS, military, LULAC, NAACP, ACLU, Sierra Club and others…
3) You’re a friend of a character; imagine your childhood intersected with theirs. Write a series of three memories in which the two friends interact. (Length is 1 page each.) These memories should be unique and not from the novel.
4) Create an alphabet book: based on your characters personality. 'A' is for the adventure Huck discovers on his journey down the river. 'B' is for... (Variation uses the title of the book as a source rather than the alphabet discussing theme, plot, & characters.)
5) Imagine your character is passionate about an 'issue' create a pamphlet, brochure, or blog about this issue that includes your characters opinions on the subject. Make sure it looks professional and includes a list of sources you researched for this.
6) Blogging: Create blogs for 5 characters from the novel (use yahoo or goggle’s blogspot). It should include an introduction, a hobby, and a comment on family. Plus additional flourishes appropriate to that character. Email the links to me.
7) Imagine you are friends with your character and are recommending 5 books/ movies to him/her. Which 5 books/movies and why? Write your answers in 5 short essays that include summaries of the selections and particular connections between the selection and the character’s interests or experiences.
8) Poetry: write 5 poems in response to the novel. 20- line length requirement or a variety of strict poetic form approved by instructor. Consider: theme, character, and location. These poems should go through multiple drafts attempting to use figurative language and poetic technique. Focus on word choice & ideas.
9) You are a psychologist- select three characters from the novel and write an essay about each character’s fears in terms of psychosis and what they want to avoid the most. Use examples from the novel to support your findings and refer to medical articles to back up your claims. See me for help as needed.
Do not forget you must complete a bibliography regardless of which choice you select or number of resources.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
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