Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Aug 22 - Aug 24 ENG III & ENG IV

Native American Literature

Be prepared... your test over this unit is on the horizion. Monday Aug. 27

Wednesday we will be talking about Native American sterotypes and examine how Indians have been portrayed in Hollywood. I will be showing some film clips from the John Wayne film "McLintock" and some film clips from a tv movie with Anjelica Houston in "Buffalo Girls." We will create an essay outline and organize our evidence to take a position on which film does a better job representing American Indians and why.

We will be reading "Museum Indians" by Susan Power on Thursday. We will discuss the questions that follow the story. I will pass out your Native American Project information at the end of class. HOMEWORK: Bring a Native American artifact to school for a high school version of 'show and tell' for 5 extra credit points.

Friday- I will give you class time to select a myth from your textbook for rewriting into a modern story and will allow you time to study and prepare for an exam that you will take on Monday.

Coming next week... Tuesday we will go to the library and make our novel selections for 1st quarter. You are required to read one novel per quarter. A test is required over the novel and write a paper that is an alternative project to the standard book report. More information will be coming.

History of the English Language

Wednesday- we will be working on the internet performing a webquest as a review of your notes. Each student will get a handout and will have one class period to finish. Any unfinished work is homework.

Thursday- We are going to begin discussing the history and background of the earliest Epic Story written in English, "Beowulf" which is pronounced Baywolf.

Friday- continue work on Beowulf and prepare for a test on the History of the English Language coming on Monday. We will have a short debate on: "Should English be the official language of the USA."

Next week... Test over His of ENG Lang & Tuesday will visit library to select 1st quarter novels.

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