Friday, June 15, 2007

Email Do's and Dont's

I can't tell you how important it is to send email in a professional manner. It is truly embarrassing to have a superior critize or scold you for breaking the rules. Yup, this has happened to me. Some tips for survival.

Tip #1 Subject headings include your last name and first initial and what the email is about. Do not be cute or misleading. Make sure the subject is crystal clear. Example: LStansbury-email_rules

Tip #2 Salutations should be formal! Use the professional title this person deserves. Refer to a business card or syllabus for an example. I made the mistake of greeting a professor by Ms. and they were a Dr. and I was called on the carpet for it. The only time you can use a first name is when you have been asked to in an email reply. If they asked you in person revert back to formal for email. Treat this as you would a formal paper. Emails- while informal or easy communication- reflect your professional attitude and work effort.

Tip #3 Attachments should be few in number taking into account older or slow technology. If you attach an important document- highly consider opening the document first and copying and pasting the words into the email following your signature concluding your email. Be sure to mention in the email that the document is attached and follows at the bottom of the email. My students often need to email work to me. However, not all documents send correctly. Other times I did not have the software on my computer and was unable to open attachments or could not read what I did open. If my students had included the text in the email time would have been saved rather then delays and follow up emails. Finally, do not insert the text into email floating by itself or without the document also being attached.

Tip #4 SPELL CHECK!!!!

Tip #5 Conclusions should mirror your salutation. If you used a formal title in introduction you should conclude with your respective formal title.

Final Thoughts- Use an email account that has a professional address- not a screen name. Keep emails brief and be specific. I single space my paragraphs and double space once in between paragraphs. I prefer to left align all parts of my email and do not indent. If you indent follow the format all the way through your email. Learn how to insert hyperlinks when recomending websites. Formal writing must be used- acronyms and text writing are for friends. Do not forget this represents you.